Our Purpose

Established in 1865, Watseka Lodge aims to promote Friendship, Morality, and Brotherly Love among its members for the betterment of society around the world. It is, by definition, a fraternity; comprised of men from every race, religion, opinion, and background who are brought together as Brothers to develop and strengthen the bonds of friendship.

History of the Masonic Handshake

The teachings of Freemasonry are built upon symbols and ethical lessons derived from the medieval stonemasons, each intended to endow Brothers with the knowledge to help them become better men. With centuries of practicing Masonic tradition, it is perhaps unavoidable that certain facets of Masonic ritual have leaked into public awareness. Few elements of the Craft have captured the imagination of non-Masons as the Masonic handshake. Although Freemasonry is hardly the first institution to use secret handshakes, it is likely the most famous.

Read the full story at: Scottish Rite, NMJ | The Masonic Handshake | Scottish Rite NMJ