Our Purpose

Established in 1865, Watseka Lodge aims to promote Friendship, Morality, and Brotherly Love among its members for the betterment of society around the world. It is, by definition, a fraternity; comprised of men from every race, religion, opinion, and background who are brought together as Brothers to develop and strengthen the bonds of friendship.

Masonic Mourning: Art & Gravestones

Men form unbreakable bonds through Freemasonry. Our Brotherhood is comprised of a tight-knit group of men who have made solemn vows to one another, becoming friends and Brothers in Masonry and beyond, committed to supporting each other in the good times and bad. Being a Mason is a lifelong journey not taken alone but rather completed side-by-side with Brethren, learning and growing together through ritual and service.

We recognize one another’s accomplishments in the Craft and, often, in personal endeavors throughout our Masonic journeys. We gather to honor important milestones for each other, including when a Brother passes to the Celestial Lodge.

Read the full story at: Scottish Rite, NMJ | Masonic Mourning Art | Scottish Rite, NMJ (scottishritenmj.org)